Max4GPS Soluciones Flotillas de Transporte_Bateria de respaldo y Datos Redundantes

Battery Backup and Redundant Data

High reliability with systems that combine GSM and satellite.

Max4GPS Soluciones Autotransporte Anti Jammer

Anti Jammer

Protection against attempts to interfere with tracking signals.

Max4GPS Soluciones Autotransporte Deteccion de paradas no permitidas

Detection of Unauthorized Stops

Identify and manage unauthorized stops for greater safety and efficiency.

Max4GPS Soluciones Autotransporte Microdispositivos con Fijación Magnética

Microdevices with magnetic fixation

Easy installation and high mobility for different types of assets.

Max4GPS Soluciones Autotransporte Detección de Enganche y Desenganche de Caja

Opening and Closing Padlocks Remotely

Control the security of your assets at any time.

Max4GPS Soluciones Autotransporte Sistemas de Videovigilancia, Redes y Enlaces

Real Time Video

Visually monitor your assets for comprehensive security.

Max4GPS Soluciones Seguridad Privada_Instalación Oculta con Equipos de Energía Autónoma

Concealed Installation with Autonomous Energy Equipment

Discreet and efficient solutions that do not require wiring.

Max4GPS Soluciones Autotransporte Geocercas y alertas instantaneas

Geofences and Georoutes

Plan and monitor safe routes, and use geofencing features for added control.

Max4GPS Soluciones Autotransporte Soporte tecnico

24/7 Technical Support

Continuous support to keep your operations running smoothly.

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